Mad Dogs Lacrosse
Sector: Sports
Project Type: Lettering for Sports Apparel
Mad Dogs, a Miami-based lacrosse team, required a custom design for an upcoming holiday tournament. With the team being divided into two tiers, we developed two distinct designs: one for the younger team and another for the varsity team. Our solution incorporated a blend of illustrations and lettering designs aimed at evoking humor and striking fear into the hearts of opposing teams.
The design is focused on capturing the attention of young teenagers aged 14 to 16. It includes a vibrant illustration that embodies the endless summer vibe of Miami, featuring a beach backdrop and bikini-clad women. It also integrates the energy of lacrosse, portraying Santa as a strong and athletic player. The design completes its message with a rebellious, urban flair, symbolizing a fearless and independent spirit that challenges conventional notions of correctness. It's intended to ignite conversations and attract new players to join the team, Mad Dogs.
Our second design caters to a younger audience, with a PG-13 rating, aiming to appeal to the under 13 team known as the Snow Dogs. The design concept revolves around creating a group of athletic werewolves that exude athleticism and bear the embodiment of an inclusive lacrosse team. The lettering is carefully crafted to evoke the essence of snow and winter, evident in the hoodies worn by the werewolves over their jerseys.